Domestic Violence Defense Attorney in New York City
Don’t Let an Argument Turn into a Criminal Conviction. Call Us for Help.
It might arise out of a simple argument between spouses. It might escalate to a physical altercation. Neighbors might call the cops. You might then be arrested, booked, and charged for domestic violence – which can be a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the circumstances involved. But, no matter what, one thing is certain: If you are accused of domestic violence, the law will not be on your side. The prosecution will do everything possible to bring on a conviction, and the public will almost always side with the ‘victim.’ But who will be on your side?
At The Law Office of Yifei He, PLLC, we’ve seen far too many heated arguments and fights result in unwarranted domestic violence charges. What’s worse, we’ve even some of these result in the defendant’s conviction. We are here to make sure the same thing doesn’t happen to you. When we are involved in the matter early on, we can use time to your advantage and work to develop a strategic approach to your defense. In reviewing domestic violence charges, there are many angles to consider, and the right defense attorney can uncover the angle that will best represent your side of the story.
Contact our NYC domestic violence defense attorney for a free consultation to discuss your options for defense by dialing 1-917-338-7678 or completing an online message form here.
What to Expect During Your Domestic Violence Case
The state of New York follows a ‘mandatory arrest’ policy for cases involving acts of domestic violence. As such, law enforcement will not hesitate to make an arrest if called to situation involving an intimate partner relationship in which one or more of the following occurred:
- A felony was committed.
- One person committed a family offense crime, thereby disobeying a previously established order of protection.
- One person made contact with another, thereby disobeying a previously established order of protection.
The state’s mandatory arrest policy allows for no exceptions, even if you and/or your partner request that the police do not make an arrest.
Once you have been arrested for a domestic violence act,only the Prosecutor can drop the case against you. In the meantime, you may have a Temporary Order of Protection issued against you. This will prohibit any contact with your spouse and/or your children. You might even be forced out of your house!
Important things to know going into your case:
- Some domestic violence cases are sent to a special courtroom that deals only with matters of domestic violence acts. If an Order of Protection was placed against you, your case will likely end up in one of these courts.
- As the defendant, you will not participate in your case as anything more than a witness. As such, you may be told that you do not need an attorney, but don’t be fooled. A defense attorney can help protect your rights and take steps behind the scenes to prevent your case from even making it this far in the first place.
- The District Attorney will prosecute you for your ‘crimes.’ Your charges will only be dropped if the District Attorney’s office and the presiding judge agree to drop them.
In order to put an end to the nightmarish ordeal you’re currently facing, you need our NYC domestic violence defense attorney at your side. Attorney Yifei He will take the time to thoroughly understand the circumstances that led to the act that was ultimately labeled as violent and develop a strategy and angle that shows the other side of the story: yours.
Call for a FREE, Confidential Consultation: 1-917-338-7678
To date, we have handled many cases for hardworking individuals arrested for domestic violent acts in New York. What’s more, our representation has resulted in favorable outcomes for many of our past clients. It’s our goal to make the same true for you.
Often, we can get you off without charges or without leaving a criminal record. In order to get you the best results, though, you need to act quickly.
Call our New York City domestic violence defense attorney today by dialing 1-917-338-7678 or contact us online via our message form. Your first consultation is completely free and confidential.